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Avoiding Animal Products in Your Office Space

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It’s no secret that animal products are a commonly-used material in any design industry. Whether it be the fabric itself or the adhesive that holds it down, they can be found in almost any type of furniture product.  

Cows make up nearly 83% of the world’s leather upholstery, whether in the home or in the office. The feathers from ducks can be found stuffed in pillows, cushions, and sofas. Sheep are used for their wool and goats are used for cashmere (ID Showcase). 

The sourcing and manufacturing process of upholstery from animal products yields two very significant consequences: 

  1. Rapid decline of animal population
  2. Manufacturing of leathers and skins actively contributes to pollution and water contamination

However, if this is something that concerns you, there are many resources to find the best of the best vegan office furniture.

Many companies are developing their spaces to uphold the values of not only young people and the new generation of the workforce, but the values associated with the ever-changing state of the world, of which mainly concern the environment. 

Whether it be regarding tackling carbon emissions to help slow global heating or choosing second-hand products to keep furniture waste out of landfill, there are always alternatives to the environmentally-inefficient habits of office design. 

One of those ways is by choosing furniture that is not only being given a second life, but isn’t made of animal products (mainly leather, suede, silk, horsehair, or sheepskin). 

Here are some vegan pieces to look out for when redesigning your animal-friendly office:

The Label

Designed by Jeff Weber, this timeless chair is made of 100% polyester knit fabric. Not only is it extremely breathable, but it is incredibly comfortable and vegan. 

The other thing we absolutely love about this chair is that it is designed to distribute weight evenly throughout the body and support a healthy and aligned spine. The legitimacy of this chair is indeed supported by science. According to Herman Miller’s website, physicians and doctors across fields like biomechanics, physical therapy, vision, and ergonomics have come together to contribute their two cents on how this chair serves its user. 

In addition to this chair being ergonomically efficient, it also leaves out any animal products such as leather, a common-found material in any design world.

Steelcase Gesture

Similar to Herman Miller’s Embody chair, Steelcase’s Gesture chair was designed with the movement of the human body in mind. 

Not only that, but it is available in over 9,000 different fabrics. Upon some light research into this chair, we do find that leather is an option for its upholstery; however, out of the 9,450 fabrics, it only occupies 150 of them. The other options are all vegan, such as polyurethane (a synthetic leather), vinyl, silicone, knit/mesh, and woven. 

We love this classic piece because of the plethora of customization options that accompany it, leaving you to choose the best animal product-free alternative to suit your needs.

Herman Miller Aeron

Yet another Herman Miller product comes in as a strong recommendation; not only are they extremely comfortable but do not utilize animal products in their upholstery. 

Keep an eye out for Aerons! Chances are, you’ve probably spotted them in some spaces. They’re a timeless addition to your space, composed of roughly 60% recycled materials (ProductListFiles), including materials such as steel and aluminum. 

They’re designed to last nearly fourteen years, granting long-lived usage without being at the expense of the lives of animals.

Finding the right furniture for your office space can be difficult if you prefer to leave animal products behind, as many pieces are bound with adhesive including the lard from pigs or may be stuffed with duck feathers. There are most definitely ways to minimize the consumption of other animal products, whether it be in a Herman Miller or Steelcase task chair.

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